Alimentation sélective des agneaux avant sevrage
Pays : Roumanie
Production : Ovin allaitant & Ovin laitier
Origine de la solution (source) : connaissance et filière
Niveau de solution:
X |
Connaissance |
X |
Pratique |
Prototype |
Objectif : couverture des besoins de croissance d’agneaux non sevrés
Description :
- Dès l’âge de 6-7j les agneaux peuvent être nourris à volonté avec des aliments starters (céréales finement moulues ou granulés) à 16-18% de MAT
- Utiliser des lots pour agneaux (15-20% de la surface de la bergerie) puis les ajuster sur la base du développement des agneaux
- Dès l’âge de 14j les agneaux peuvent être nourris avec du foin de qualité (luzerne ou trèfle violet) et abreuvés avec de l’eau à disposition
- Nourrir ainsi les agneaux multiples et ceux issus de brebis ayant peu de lait
- L’éleveur doit planifier la nourriture jusqu’au sevrage ou à la mise à l’herbe
- Si granulés, l’éleveur doit préférer ceux avec anticoccidiens et tamponnant le pH
Bénéfices attendus :
Augmentation de 20 à 30% des croissances et de la vigueur des agneaux avant sevrage. L’alimentation sélective des agneaux permet d’augmenter les poids au sevrage, de diminuer la mortalité et l’âge au sevrage
Prérequis et/ou limites (Connaissance, formation, compétences, coût, conduite d’élevage, équipement, bâtiment, etc.)
- L’éleveur doit acheter les granulés (coûts supplémentaires) et produire ou acheter du foin de qualité
- Coûts supplémentaires et temps de travail pour disposer et constituer les lots d’agneaux
- e cases d’agnelage implique du temps de travail et des coûts d’investissements préalables
- Investir en lampes chauffantes, chauffage et thermomètres pour contrôler l’ambiance de la bergerie
Littérature scientifique:
Salgado et al., 2018. Endoparasite and nutritional status of suffolk lambs in seven production systems. Animal Production Science 58, 1667-1676
Trucs et astuces
Un passage d’agneau « maison » |
Expected impacts:
Country | Romania | ||||||
Partner | BUASVM | ||||||
Topic | LAMBING – MANAGEMENT | ||||||
Issue | Nutrition/grassland management during gestation | ||||||
Solution No/Name | 37. Un-weaned lambs creep-feeding | ||||||
Service provider/technicians+vet or farmers | |||||||
Benefit | |||||||
Benefit expected | Increase productivity: -less mortality -better feed management |
System | |||||||
Is the solution suitable for various production systems | Y | Precise the systems – all types define in the first survey | |||||
If no – for which system | dairy & meat | ||||||
Cost | |||||||
What are the asset costs | <100/lamb | <100 | 100-500 | 500-1000 | 1000-10000 | >10000 | |
What are the maintenance costs | <50/lamb | <50 | 50-100 | 100-500 | 500-1000 | >1000 | |
Any limits to its applicability | No | ||||||
Work Load | |||||||
Farmers | Service provider/tech.-vet-others | ||||||
How much time is required to prepare and implement the solution | >=1week | <1 day | 1 day – 1 week | >=1week | |||
How many people is needed to implement the solution? | 1 person (the farmer) | ||||||
Timing | |||||||
How long it takes to get results? | >=1week | Immediate | <1 day | 1 day – 1 week | >=1week | ||
How long it takes to see an effect on sheep productivity? | current production period | current production period | next production period | >next production period | |||
Equipment/Facility | |||||||
Farmers | Service provider/technicians-vet-others | ||||||
What kind of equipment/tool are necessary? | Concentrate feeders for lambs, lamb feed | ||||||
Skill/Knowledge-Training (farmer) | |||||||
Does the solution need any specific skill/knowledge or training? | Yes | ||||||
How much time will be required for training | 1 day training | ||||||
Wider Environment | |||||||
Is there any particular regulation link to the solution? | NO | ||||||
Does the solution need any particular structure or organisation? | NO |
Users’ evaluation:
Country | ITALY, ROMANIA |
Solution No/Name | 37. Un-weaned lambs creep-feeding |
Farmer/Service provider/technicians-vet-others | Farmers |
Why did you select this solution? | To improve lamb health, growth and survival rate
To decrease the period of lams sucking |
Was it easy to implement? | Yes |
If not say what are the identified drawbacks? | Feeding high quantities of concentrates to lambs, leads to a shorter lactation in dams, because lambs will prefer to eat concentrates after 2 months and the ewes will reduce milk yield (problematic in dairy and dual-purpose breeds) |
Did you need to adapt it? | Yes |
If yes, how? | Fenced area with two entries to facilitate the passage of lambs and without water dispenser.
Hey available after 25 days from lambing. Separation of ewes from their lambs after 25 days, and milking the ewes during morning. |
Were you happy with the outcome of the solution? | Yes |
What were the outcomes? | Higher growth and survival rates in lambs.
Replacement lambs were weaned with 5 days before the traditional management (35 days instead of 40). |
Score the solution | Interesting and easy to implement |
Will you continue to implement it? | Yes |
If not, for which reasons? | |
Comments/Additions | Better suited for meat farms, less for dairy.
The concentrates should not be extremely fine, 3 mm particles size would be the optimum. In dairy sheep farms the solution is valid only for replacement lambs. Milk lambs for slaughter did not profit significantly from this solution. |